Monday, November 7, 2011

Why Misandry?

Why focus on misandry? It probably looks to many as a superfluous social issue. But I assure you it is anything but that. And it is essentially important to Western civilization. Why?

First think of who created the tools of civilization:

Who built houses, palaces, public buildings? Men.
Who created roads and bridges? Men.
Who wrote books so that traditions could be preserved and knowledge could be passed down? Men.
Who tilled the fields so that populations could eat? Men.
Who created the tools and inventions needed to progress with technology? Men.

I hope you are seeing a pattern here. And before anyone sends me hate mail, consider that I am not saying that women are useless or even that women are incapable of doing any of these things. But historically, and even in our present feminist and misandrist age, men are still doing the much larger part of the labor. So whether we speak of ancient history or the present day, it isn't a case of "women being held back by patriarchy" or "gender roles being enforced." There are some innate differences between men and women, and History speaks to this.

Simply put: the work and creations of man that create and sustain civilization. The whole reason humanity has civilization in the first place had to with the fact that men had to be goaded into producing more than just what they alone needed to get by day to day. How did this happen? Imagine a time, many thousands of years before civilization begun. Our ancestors had already come down from the trees, but they were still more like our other hominid cousins than like modern humans. Men hunted for what they needed. Women could gather fruit, nuts, roots, and all the edible plants around. If they weren't pregnant, they could hunt small, non-lethal game.

And this is how it was for a very long time. There was a huge excess of leisure time because once you got what you needed (and helped get what your tribe needed) you were done for the day.

Consider the relationships and family aspect as well: A small unit of human beings living together - a tribe. Everyone knows everyone else and there aren't that many people. And no family structure as civilized people know it today. The tribe is your family. And for being so small, it needed one leader: the alpha. And he called the shots. And took as many women as he pleased. If you weren't the alpha, then your chances of getting to reproduce were fairly poor. You either kissed his ass for a little access to women, or you had to secretly seduce the alpha's women. So men had no reason to produce anything other than what they and the tribe needed just to maintain existence. And why would they produce more? No purpose in doing so.

But somewhere down the line, probably around 6,000-10,000 years ago, civilization exploded onto the planet. As if out of nowhere (on a scale of human history and prehistory) there were now buildings, roads, bridges, written were now producing great things, and fairly quickly also. 

I'm not going to pin this down to one reason and one reason alone. But I do want to discuss one major reason this happened.

Another major thing created was not tangible, but was an idea: the idea of family structure. Almost every man could have one woman - for life - and she would bear only his children and be faithful to him. Likewise, the man became a producer, creating more than what he needed for the day. He was to take care as best he was able the wife and children of his. It was a social and economic wonder! Now he had a reason to produce more than what he needed for the day. He now had a stake in the future! Give a man reproduction, and he will give you his production.

And this idea of family structure was a crucial part of every successful, high power civilization that I am aware of.

Therefore misandry is much more than a simple social issue. It is a matter of life and death for civilizations. Punish the ones (men) who produced the good in society, and you will at some point see your society splinter apart if things do not change. 

[Note: This is only a partial logical explanation of how civilization began. It is not intended to be all-inclusive or a simple explanation meant to be the only explanation. Indeed, the are many other factors of civilization that I did not discuss in order to focus on this one monumental aspect.]

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