Wednesday, November 16, 2011

3 Ways to Guard Yourself from Misandry

If you are an American male in your 20s (or even teens or 30s) then this is for you. Chances are, you know something isn't right with society. Perhaps you notice overt and subtle indicators that society is against men. You see sitcoms depict husbands as stupid and brutish. You notice how absurdly difficult and fruitless the dating scene is. And you probably have some male friends and family members who have been dragged through the hell of divorce court.

And if you are reading this, you are probably astute and aware of misandry, and you are determined not to fall into the same traps and make the same mistakes that ruin many men. The cost of making these mistakes is high, and they can ruin your life - forever! Here I will present three ways you can guard yourself from misandry in society while building yourself up and living a decent life. 

1. DO NOT GO INTO DEBT! This is useful advice in general, but for a man, it is essential. Men are not valued in the workplace, or in academia. The economy has thrown you overboard a long time ago. It doesn't need you nowadays, except as a debt slave. The main way that most young people go into debt is by taking out loans to go to college. And when they graduate, they have racked up large debt and can find no decent jobs so that they can pay off these debts. This is, in practice, very much like slavery. If you are indebted with student loans, your options for removing the debt are either, a)Pay them off, or b)Die. That's it. And with the economy worsening each moment, don't expect your degree to reward you with a decent job. Tons of people go to college. This decreases the value of each degree. And good jobs (and jobs at all) are scarce. So it's a trap you must avoid. If you must go to college, you should a)Have someone else foot the bill (scholarship, grant, saving up money to go) and b)Get a harder degree that's more useful. Don't go major in History or English - such a degree is worthless for getting a decent job. (But DO educate yourself in such things. An education is valuable - schooling is overpriced or worthless.) But regardless of what you do in regards to your education, DO NOT GO INTO DEBT!

2. BECOME SELF SUFFICIENT! Again, something that is useful in general. But in the present age, especially useful for a man. Because outside of your family and a few good friends, if you are fortunate, you can't expect outside help. Women get all the help in the world - shelters, financial assistance, easier to get scholarships and jobs, etc. Mens' hardships and problems don't matter to society. So it is best to become as self-sufficient as possible! That means you want to educate yourself as much as possible in any useful thing you come across and need. Learn how to fix things, grow food, solve problems, survive. Collect books with the knowledge you need. If you followed the first thing, being debt free, then you should be at much greater liberty to work on becoming self-sufficient. Although you need to be self-sufficient, you also need to have good people in your life. Family and friends are wonderful things. But you need to rely on yourself as much as possible.

3. DO NOT GET MARRIED IN THE WEST! And now for something more specific. Western society has taken the original concept of marriage - what some call "Marriage 1.0" and turned it into a damning hell for men. If you live in the U.S., or any other Western nation, avoid marriage at all costs. A man has almost nothing to gain from it, and literally everything to lose - his money, assets, resources, home, job, health, peace, and of course, his children. Here in the U.S., divorce is rampant, adultery is ubiquitous, custody of children almost always goes to the mother, the father is typically alienated from his children, child support is forced, there is alimony for the wife, and the ex-wife can typically take half or more of the man's assets, and will usually get the house. Marriage in the West is nothing but a mockery, and a hell for men. As I mentioned before, you probably know men who have been raped by the divorce and family courts. It is certainly something you should avoid. The pain is not worth the potential pleasure (which will likely be short lived anyway.)

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