Monday, October 31, 2011

A Bad Time to be a Man

You've probably noticed something is wrong. You might not quite be able to explain it, can't quite put your finger on it. But if you're an American guy, you probably see that something's wrong. And I'm here to tell you what it is. There's a word for it, too: misandry.

There's a good chance you've never heard this word and don't know what it means. If you type it, a red line will probably show up under the word, as if it isn't really a word.

But it is a word...

Misandry is the hatred of men.

And it is one of the driving social forces in the Western world. You are probably an upstanding guy. You work hard, you've studied hard in school and college, you treat people well, and you may be a provider to a family that you love.

And many guys are like that, more or less. But how often do you see these qualities of men presented. No doubt you see them represented in the media some, but much more often you see the opposite. Consider the typical family sitcom:

-A dumb, ugly guy married to a hot, 'smart' wife who knows it all and is right about everything
-His kids don't appreciate him
-He's berated and unappreciated even at his job
-He can't seem to do anything right

That's the typical presentation of men in entertainment, but this is neither fair nor accurate for most average men. This isn't the cause of misandry, media, it is just an example, and it reflects society.

Consider other forms of misandry. The legal system is probably the biggest misandry machine in the land. With the advent of no-fault divorce, essentially guaranteed custody of children going to the mother, child support, alimony, and the ex-wife's ability to take half (or more!) of the man's assets and possessions and income.....the very legal system itself has been made to destroy the lives of men in order to enrich ex-wives, divorce lawyers, corporations (think of how many products and services are marketed to moms/single moms), and the government. Society takes such things as normal, as if this is the way things are supposed to be. 

But you, your heart, know that the way things are, are not the ways things should be.

This comes down to nothing less than the fates of men, families, and Western civilization. 

We live in a dark age for men. A dark age of misandry, of the hatred of men.

This blog will lay out of the foundations of this premise, and within it will be discussions and stories of misandry in society, as well as solutions and tactics for dealing with misandry in this society.

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