Friday, January 13, 2012

The Trouble with Game

A tactic or method that some men suggest for dealing with women (at least women they want to have sex with) is to employ "game." Supposedly, game allows the typical man to get laid by putting in some effort at employing tactics to attract women. These tactics are used to appeal to womens' unconscious desires so that they are attracted to the man and will date and/or sleep with him. Some argue that game is good because it gives men access to some women, whereas otherwise they may have access to none. Superficially, this may seem like a good idea, but it is a superficial solution. It's like giving band-aids to the mortally wounded.

For most men, game does not work, and game is definitely not a threat to feminism! Instead, game subtly plays into feminism's hand.

In a sane society, men will have a sexual outlet. This sexual outlet will be perfectly legal and will be easily accessible for men. Of course, I am referring to prostitution. Women ultimately control sexual access, and prostitution evens the playing field. Some women will always turn to prostitution, so in the absence of feminist control of the state, men will have an adequate sexual outlet. Feminist societies tend to outlaw prostitution, criminalizing it and forcing men to suffer. 

And along comes game, which claims to be a solution to this mess. But game is a tactic for desperate men in a feminist society. It doesn't solve anything. It's merely attempting tricks to get around the problems. It does nothing to fix the problems themselves! This is why I say game plays into feminism's hand. Game doesn't question feminism or the idea that women must be "gamed" in order to date or sleep with them. It accepts it as normal and okay. For this, I see game as being a tool of manginas.

The other main problem I have with game is that it simply won't work for most guys. I've noticed a very simple pattern when it comes to how women choose guys: hot guys get picked, and ugly or just 'non-hot' guys get rejected. Game does not appear to affect this. Women choose guys who are tall, slim, with good faces. It is true that women also choose guys with certain traits such as narcissism and a massive ego, and guys with money. However, I recognize a difference between men who are picked for relationships and guys who are picked for sex. Resources are the criteria for dating/marriage, and looks and traits are the basis of picking a guy to reproduce with. (Guys who have no particular advantage are just left out entirely.) The men who get the most sex are the attractive ones. I don't see variations to this, aside from perhaps the odd exception which doesn't prove anything conclusive.

Desperate men can easily be scammed into seminars or lessons for learning game. If the outlet of prostitution existed in this society, it would cease to be an issue. But in the current societal climate, a man must acquiesce to the wishes of the feminism if he wants to have any access whatsoever to women. And that means game. A solution would be to legalize prostitution. Game is simply a tool used to fleece desperate, sexually starved men. It's a tool of feminists and manginas.   

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