Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Last Great Hope for Leadership in America: Ron Paul

As things continue in their downward spiral, it is painfully clear that our leadership in America is essentially non-existent. As History bears out, civilizations lack a political response to crises and other difficulties or issues that precede a collapse, a dissipation of a society. Social norms are twisted and perverted, like in this misandrist society. Our present society is certainly no exception to the danger of dissipation, and the time of collapse draws nearer.

The only issue to me is: how long will it take? I am convinced that this civilization is either at the point of no return or extremely close to that point. Perhaps if nothing is changed, if nothing is done, the next five years will be way past too late for salvation. But perhaps we have a final chance. Things will be painful from here on out, but perhaps this society could be pulled back from the cliff it is so dangerously close to leaping off of.

Leadership in America is now thoroughly a fantasy. Politics is now only about preserving power. And really, politics is the business of maintaining and/or creating problems. After all, if politicians didn't keep problems around, why would people keep voting them back in to "solve" those problems? (Not to mention people want a free lunch as well, which vote-hungry politicians are more than eager to provide for voters.)

As cynical as I am now about the lack of leadership in America, I do see one last great hope for this country. And the name of that hope is Ron Paul. He's had two unsuccessful attempts at the presidency and is despised by the media, but he is still here. And he represents the last hope for leadership in America.

If there is any hope of putting an end to the over-bearing Big Brother, and the feminist driven misandry of society, it is him. Feminism is all about big government at the expense of weakening men and families, and as a libertarian, Dr. Paul is opposed to all of this. I have not heard Dr. Paul speak of feminism, yet by nature his libertarian way of thought is opposed to it. He is opposed to big government, so by extension, the misandrist social policies of feminism are opposed to his libertarian philosophy as well.

However, I do not think Ron Paul has a real chance at the presidency. He sticks to his values of liberty and constitutionalism unabashedly and faces the other candidates - all statists (i.e., they believe we need big government, including the feminist/misandry complex) - unflinchingly. He is unashamed to profess positions based in constitutionality, non-aggression, ethics and morality. And this makes him down right heroic in that being such a man, he can be anywhere near politics. I think these values will mean that the system will never let him near the presidency. We can easily see how the media attempts to downplay or ignore Ron Paul. But those who agree with what he is saying are strong in their support. And come next year, the people can vote in another Big Brother lover like they've done in the past, or they can elect the one who will say that we've had enough of that, and that it is time for ethics and sanity.

I am certain that either Ron Paul will be our next President, or the other guy will be the last.

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